Best Ads Cloaker Service Agency

Ads Cloaking Agency

Facebook Ads cloaking

Get your ads approved on FB or Instagram with our Ads Cloaker Services

Google Cloaking Ads

Google Ads Cloaking

Our Google Ads Cloaking Service empowers you to advertise confidently without suspension

TikTok Ads Cloaking

Boost your TikTok advertising game with our cloaking solutions to get ads approved.

Snapchat Ads Cloaking

We know Snapchat's algorithms and helps you bypass them and get ads approved.

Pinterest Ads Cloaking

We ensure smooth ad approval without setting off Pintеrеst's algorithmic checks.

YouTube Ads Cloaking

Unleash the full potential of YouTube advertising with our Ads Cloaking services.

How We Manage Ads Cloaking Solutions

Best Ads Cloaking Agency Solutions

step 01

Research Your Business Niche:

We understand your business niche and make a cloaking strategy. We develop a custom safe page according to your business category and configure cloaker as per your targeting requirements.

step 02

Configure Cloaking

If your business falls into a restricted or controversial niches or industries like CBD, cryptocurrency, etc. we configure cloaking on new URL to detect every IP and show safe or restricted page accordingly.

step 03

Develop Compliance-Friendly Content:

We develop ad copy and website content that strictly adheres to the platform’s policies. Remove any elements that could trigger violations and every IP is checked before landing to website. If the IP is safe, we show them your restricted offer page. If the IP is suspicious, we show them policy friendly web page automatically.

step 04

Implement Cloaking Techniques:

We Utilize advanced cloaking techniques to present compliant content to the platform’s review system while showing the original content to your target audience. Techniques may include IP cloaking, user agent cloaking, or device cloaking.

step 05

Choose the Right Adience & Winner Ads:

We select reliable ad content and safe page to get you smooth ad approval. We open our archives and know what kind of ads are winner for a specific category of business. So you do not need to waste time in finding winner ads.

step 06

Run A/B Testing & Find Winner Ads:

We run controlled experiments to test different ad creatives with cloaking methods. A/B testing helps identify the most effective combinations of ads and help find out winner ads and audiences. We them move to scaling conversions with higher ad spends.

step 07

Constant Monitoring and Scaling Ads:

We Continuously monitor the performance of your cloaked ads. Stay informed about changes in ads and audiences. We are good at both vertical and horizontal scaling methods.

Our Lates Projects

Approved Ads for Restricted Businesses

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